And there it is. A plan set in motion 11 years ago, spanning 22 films
and many superheroes, finally culminated into an epic finale with Avengers
Just like any ardent MCU movie fan, i cant help but feel emotional at
the conclusion. While I felt that the one year wait for endgame was torture at
the highest, now that its here and I have watched it, I feel a void.
One has to appreciate the MCU and all those behind these movies. Jon Favreau
started it all with the brilliant Iron Man. And he gave us one of the
greatest superheroes of all time; Robert Downey Jr. If Tony Stark had a face
then it had to be RDJ. I think Stan Lee created Tony Stark in 1963 keeping RDJ
in mind. Maybe time travel does exist.
Which brings me to the Russo brothers. Endgame is an epic. The creative
brilliance of their minds has somehow managed to create the finale which
honestly I felt was impossible. The scale, the merging plot lines, the
characters, and eventually the conclusion, in the time frame of 3 hours is just
phenomenal. For me they are the real superheroes. They had me and a hundred
others in the audience hooting and clapping like 12 year olds.
I have no qualms in admitting, that we can never reach that level of
brilliance in Indian cinema. We will continue making SOTY and Kalank. Don't even
mention Bhavesh Joshi. That movie sucked. A useless protagonist with a stick as
weapon and LEDs needlessly placed in his helmet. That movie could have been so
much more. And yet wasn’t.
Back to Endgame. A few dampers. We would have loved some more info on
Prof Hulk. Sadly, Hulk never really found his mojo since the first Avenger
movie. The following movies didn’t really give him enough ‘Hulk...Smash’
moments. And I definitely didn’t like the fat Thor. C’mon man, he deserved
another ‘Bring me Thanos’ moment. Chris Hemsworth will always be Thor for me –
the strongest Avenger.
But the character to whom most justice was done was Thanos. In Infinity
War, I felt that Thanos was invincible on paper, and somehow the character
didn’t feel as dangerous as he was made out to be. Towards the end, you would
want to see some goodness in him especially at his hurt for Gamora. But in Endgame
you realise just how badass the character is as he single-handedly kicks all the superhero ass, and almost kills everyone. Take a bow Josh Brolin. When Thanos
says that this time earth’s destruction will be personal, it had me worried.
And I feel so happy that Antman was responsible for the whole time
travel/quantum realm thing. Its only natural that Paul Rudd should know a thing
or two about time travel in real life too. He has refused to age since
appearing as Mike on friends. Thats the only plausible explanation.
And the Mjolnir scene. Thats another brilliant moment in the movie. All
of us have read at some point that Cap is worthy enough to lift Mjolnir and
even does so in the comics. But when that scene came on screen, I literally got
up from my chair and hooted my lungs off. That scene alone was more than my
money’s worth. Oh and his line ‘Avengers....Assemble’! Goosebumps!
Captain Marvel and her screen time, though limited, give us a fair idea
on how powerful her character is. She almost single-handedly decimates Thanos
and his army (besides saving Stark among other things). I really hope that
future Captain Marvel movies will do justice to the character and Brie Larson
too. That hairstyle is just out of this world.
I felt the Ronin bit was unnecessary. It did nothing for the character
of Barton in the film. But Renner gets his due as well. We also get to see the
actor side of Renner as he chokes up on receiving the phone call from his wife.
Which finally brings me to Tony Stark/Iron Man/Robert Downey Jr. Captain
America might be the leader of the group, but we all know who rules the team.
The MCU has given countless and rather obvious hints to this fact in the last
11 years. Tony and his father Howard remain the vital catalysts in making the
events of Endgame possible. I mean, when the audience roots for Iron Man in
Captain America: Civil War, you know who is the boss. Oh and the Jarvis bit was awesome.
I would have loved to see
some more awesomeness in Iron Man’s suit but I can live with that. What I can’t
live with is the fact that Tony dies. Why him? You could have picked out any
other superhero and I wouldn’t have batted an eyelid (ok maybe not Thor or
Spiderman). Bucky for that matter. I was not ready!
But the harsh truth is that the series has concluded. We will no longer
see RDJ, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner and Scarlet together.
Thank you Stan Lee and Marvel. The pleasure was entirely ours.
And when GOT ends in a month, I
will absolutely lose it.
And just like that...the Game ends!
*All images sourced from the Internet